Friday, November 2, 2007

To All Our Guests, Staffs, Dancers, Performers and Co-sponsors,

Corrina and I would like to thank you for your participation and support to make this year Haihwa another successful weekend event.

Edward & Corrina

What a wonderful spectacle of dancing!!!!! I have not seen a dance show like this in all my years of dancing. This must have taken many hours of preparation and energy and you and others have made it all happened and a success. Your dedication and love for dancing is inspiring. Thank you so much!!!!!

You guys are so strong for continuing the wonderful show through such a tough time. I am very sorry for your loss. It must be extremely hard on you and I know how you feel. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. I am here for you.
Betty, Michael, Jordan, Brandon, Kevin Yeh

In my 7-years of dancing, that's the best show I've ever seen, and the most fun to participate in. The amount of planning that went into it would've been phenomenal considering how smoothly it all went. Truly a class act: Houston needed one badly! Congratulations Edward.
Suneth Jayamanna

First of all, thank you for inviting us to your event and thank you for the pictures you have send us! You are wonderful people and great community! We had good time, our flight back was good!Looking forward to see more pictures and videos! We are sorry for the loss of Corrina’s mother! We wish your family strength and peace! Best wishes!
Iveta and Gherman

Link to Photos:
More pictures will be added later.

1 comment:

Bob Ward said...

Ditto here! This will be a show to remember for a long time to come. Everything about it was neat from the Friday social dance, to the Saturday afternoon emulation heats, to the evening spectacle as well as the Sunday workshop! It was an amazing amount of juggling, and my heart-felt condolences go out to Corrina and Edward for their loss. You are truly Houston's neatest couple supporting the fine art of ballroom dancing! Thank you both many times over!!!